Some ideal destinations to admire the leaves changing colour

1 Nov 2022

One of the most beautiful moments of autumn is witnessing the foliage, the phenomenon that reveals one of nature's most unique sides as the leaves turn from green to the typical colours of this season: from red to orange to yellow.

The meaning of foliage refers to the natural change in the colour of leaves until they fall.

This is a unique opportunity to organise walks, forest and park outings away from home, taking the opportunity to rediscover the variety of our landscapes this autumn 2022.

If you are wondering where to admire this fascinating phenomenon in Italy, we offer a short guide to some of the most popular destinations: from Treviso to the slopes of Etna.


where to admire foliage in Italy


Foliage in Langhe and Monferrato


When speaking of foliage, we cannot fail to mention Piedmont and the spectacle that the vast expanses of Langhe and Monferrato offer.

Precisely on the occasion of this magnificent phenomenon, until 6 November it is possible to travel on board the Foliage Train, which connects Domodossola with Locarno: 52 dreamy kilometres that will allow you to admire many unmissable sceneries including Valle Vigezzo, the 'Painters' Valley'.

And why not take advantage of the autumn foliage to taste the best products of one of Italy's main wine-growing areas?

If you need a room in a strategic location in the centre of Turin, the Principi di Piemonte | UNA Esperienze is the ideal starting point from which to explore the beauty that Piedmont has to offer.


The colours of foliage in Lombardy


You can admire the foliage in Lombardy in different places in the region, all accessible from Milan. If you are coming from outside, you could stay at the Milano Verticale | UNA Esperienze, UNAHOTELS Cusani Milano or UNAWAY Hotel & Residence Contessa Jolanda Milano and explore from there.

An hour from the capital there is Torbiere del Sebino reserve with its footbridges over the water where autumn colours are reflected. And then there is also Monza Park with its long avenues of horse chestnuts, lime trees and liquidambar plants.

If, on the other hand, you want to go further north, the scenery of the Canzo forest and the Bagni di Masino forest will open up before your eyes.


walks, forest and park outings


Treviso and surroundings: experiencing autumn in Veneto


If you were wondering where to see the foliage in Veneto, you should know that one of the most popular destinations is Treviso and its surroundings.

There is no better time to visit Cansiglio plateau and its enormous beech and spruce forest in the upper Marca Trevigiana.

Also in the province of Treviso there is Montello forest, with its paths and chestnut groves. The scents and colours of autumn will envelop you during your walks in this area, which is also famous for its mushrooms.

Then stop at Porta Caccianiga to admire the autumn colours in the heart of Treviso. And less than 9 km away you will find UNAHOTELS Le Terrazze Hotel & Residence, a hotel ideally located for exploring the city and surrounding areas.


trails and foliage Italy


Where to see foliage near Rome


Se avete intenzione di trascorrere qualche giorno a Roma sappiate che vicino alla capitale si trovano incredibili posti dove ammirare il foliage nel Lazio.

Uno di questi è il Parco regionale Valle del Treja, compreso tra il comune di Calvata e Mazzano Romano, in provincia di Roma. Un consiglio: approfittate di questa passeggiata per visitare la Cascata di Monte Gelato.

Un’altra meta gettonata sono i Monti Cimini con la loro celebre faggeta. Vi consigliamo di visitare l’eremo di San Girolamo e la faggeta del Monte Fogliano dove l’atmosfera autunnale è più viva che mai.

E a Roma hotel come l’UNAHOTELS Trastevere o l’UNAHOTELS Decò Roma vi aspettano per riposare tra un’escursione e l’altra.


If you plan to spend a few days in Rome, you should know that near the capital there are incredible places to admire the foliage in Lazio.

One of these is the Valle del Treja Regional Park, between the municipality of Calvata and Mazzano Romano, in the province of Rome. A tip: take advantage of this walk to visit Monte Gelato waterfall.

Another popular destination is Cimini Mountains with their famous beech forest. We recommend a visit to the hermitage of San Girolamo and the beech forest of Monte Fogliano where the autumn atmosphere is more alive than ever.

And in Rome hotels such as UNAHOTELS Trastevere or UNAHOTELS Decò Roma are waiting for you to rest between excursions.


The autumn spectacle on the slopes of Etna


You can admire foliage in Sicily in many different places from Nebrodi Mountains to Madonie Park, which is full of trails to explore.

And why not take part in an excursion along Mount Etna's northern slope? Places like Piana Provenzana and the Timparossa beech forest are real treasures where the typical colours of the season shine with incredible energy.

Just over an hour's drive away you will find the Palace Catania | UNA Esperienze, where you can relax and enjoy the best dishes of the region.

When it comes to places where you can admire the foliage, you are spoilt for choice in Italy. All you have to do is reach your favourite destination to fill your eyes with the unique spectacle of autumn colours.